The Brothers' mission is simple: to live and spread the gospel, especially by giving witness to the eternal beauty and truth of the Catholic tradition.
Following the 1600-year-old Augustinian tradition, the Brothers live a common life of prayer, study, penance, and mission. We are taking courses for the priesthood at the Angelicum in Rome.
Ostia is a symbol of eternity. In his Confessions, St. Augustine recounts the spiritual vision that he and his mother, St. Monica, experienced in this small Roman town. They saw the fullness of Christian faith and yearned to return to our heavenly homeland. Five days later, St. Monica passed away to this heavenly homeland after expressing that her life had been completed by her son's conversion. She was buried in Ostia.
Our culture is sorely in need of this eternal vision. We have forgotten about God! We have forgotten that we do not belong to the world (Jn 15:19)! We utterly lack an eternal perspective!
Instead, caught in empty pleasures, social media feeds, and news cycles, young people are leaving the Church like never before. As a result, we see rising levels of depression, anxiety, apathy, and suicide. Now more than ever, our lack of faith and hope costs both lives and souls.
We yearn to help these souls realize, as Augustine did, that our heart is restless until it rests in You.
We have been these lost sheep and prodigal sons (Luke 15). By the grace of God, we have returned home. Now, we want to bring others with us. We know first hand that the Church has what so many hurting souls need. We want to bring it to them.
We have all experienced our own conversion and have left behind attractive opportunities in the world, including friends, family, lucrative jobs, and girlfriends. We can truly say, like Augustine: we had all those same things that you think will make you happy, but only God makes you happy! This is our evangelical message. It resonates because it is true.
Therefore, we especially pray for and desire to evangelize the many young Augustines of our times, and we join all of the Monicas behind them silently praying and suffering as they await their loved ones' return.
We have left everything and followed Christ (Mt. 19:27), a decision made possible by the 501(c)(3) tax-deductible generosity and prayers of our supporters. There are dozens of other high-potential young men currently discerning making the same decision. In the current vocations crisis and lack of Catholic evangelization, your support has an immediate impact.
Therefore, we humbly ask your prayerful consideration of making a monthly or one-time donation and including us in your daily prayer routine.
If you are interested in learning more about our journey as we develop our online presence, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter or contact us directly.